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White Clothes (Белые Одежды)

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White Clothes (Белые Одежды)

White Clothes.
About seven years ago I thought about God's need for us, His children, to be in the white robes mentioned in the Bible.
How can this be? After all, "there is no righteous, no one, everyone is worthless" - there is such a topic in the Bible.
At the same time: "The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before My Father and His angels."
Revelation 3: 5
"I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see."
Rev.3: 18
By that time I had listened for fifty years from the pulpits that nothing impure would enter there, into the Heaven, but only without a spot and vice. How is this possible?
The Lord turned my attention to the verse, which we always and always sing toward baptized (by the way clothed in white clothes) at the time of their water baptism:
“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." Gal: 3: 27
And then I was pierced by the thought: they put on clothes- they were dressed. Those who are baptized are immersed. We are dressed in Christ when we sank into Him. So that's what this white dress means! This is Christ!
Everything fell into place. And this white garment=Christ is given to us freely, by Grace, through faith! And the main thing is that it cannot be made up dirty! You never are capable to make-up Christ dirty!
I told this to Gabriel, a young American at our job place. He was weak in the faith, a member of their church. But when he heard my discoveries, he was delighted and invited me to visit their local church and share it there. So I did. I told, as is, by my bad English, about it from the pulpit. Everyone was happy.
After the meeting, one person comes up, as it turned out, one of the pastors of this church, and shares his joy. He told me that he had had a wonderful vision for a long time in a dream, which for a long time gave him no peace. Now the whole thing cleared up!
He says he saw in the vision: "I stand in line, and the throne of the Lord is ahead." I looked around, and suddenly I see a mirror in front of me! I look there to tidy myself up, and suddenly I see Christ while I am looking at myself! The vision ceased on this. ..
I was in embarrassment for a long time; I did not share it with anyone, only with you right now, because now everything has fallen into place! "
I feel like I should share this story now with you, friends.
And what are your thoughts about the theme of white clothes, Christian friends?

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Владимир Сургай Владимир Сургай, USA
Родился в Украине, в Запорожской области в 1956г в семье баптистов. Обратился к Богу в 1993г. Женат, 8 детей. Всей семьёй переехал в США в 1999г. На данный момент штат Миссури, г.Седалия. Заинтересован в поисках принципов единства между детьми Божьими.

e-mail автора: vladimirsurgay@yahoo.com
сайт автора: личная страница

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Постыдное зрелище - Шрацевич

Стигмата - Славик Ронский

О трудном понятии единства сущности Троицы. Часть первая - Геннадий Гумилевский

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Проповеди :
Сердце - главная дверь для сатаны в вашу жизнь - Роман Щетенко

Поэзия :
Зависть-это плохо - Андрей Берлиз

Проповеди :
Размышления о мире - Vitaliy Kravchenko
Размышления о духовной борьбе с плотью часто так полезны. Пусть нас всех Бог благословит познанием Его воли и как нам ее исполнять.

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